Let our journalists turn your brand messages into engaging feature news articles.
We make it easy:
- We write the story.
- You edit/approve.
- We place it on our syndicate of local news sites that consumers read & trust.

Take advantage of the largest syndication network in the mat release industry.
- Place your story on 2,500+ news sites across the US. Guaranteed.
- Reach a collective monthly audience of 190 million.

Bypass newsroom editors and get articles published directly to news sites nationwide.
With a mat release (syndicated story), get your story out:
- As quickly as you want.
- On the date you want.
- With messages you control.

Boost your reach with radio.
Convert your mat release to a scripted, professionally pre-recorded segment that is guaranteed 600+ local radio airings across the country.

- Reach, educate and mobilize consumers with syndicated feature stories on the largest content distribution network in the mat release space.
- Place your story on 2,500+ local news sites that consumers read and trust, spanning all 50 states and top 100 US cities. Guaranteed.
- Reach a mass nationwide audience of 190+ million unique monthly viewers
- Enhance credibility with mentions on reputable websites.
- Boost SEO with backlinks.
- Generate tons of local news clips to share with your customers, clients, sales teams, stakeholders, employees, investors, donors, and more.