Content Marketing Maximize Value

How to Maximize the ROI of Your Content Marketing

The traditional news industry business has been in a state of chaos for quite some time with the explosion of digital content, social media and blogs. We no longer need to wait for a news reporter to tell us the story. We now all have the ability to be story tellers and news purveyors. The hard part is leveraging that opportunity strategically and effectively, and in a way that is meaningful for our targeted audiences.

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Spice up your content marketing calendar with unusual awareness days

How is Meteor Watch Day on June 30 good for business? Seems like something that may pass you by (pun intended), but if you did marketing for a company that manufactures telescopes, binoculars or photography supplies, these are some stellar (ha!) marketing opportunities. Even Pluto Demoted Day (Aug.24) could be marketing-maximized by apps that help consumers view the night sky, or by travel destinations that are in regions known for night-sky viewing. (I’m looking at you, Death Valley!)

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